CBD Oil and Addiction

Cannabis is popularly known as not only and addictive drug, but also an illegal substance in the whole of America and other countries in the world. However, there is a lot of confusion surrounding cannabidiol and hemp, which are closely associated with marijuana but doesn’t contain the psychoactive component that characterizes cannabis. In addition, CBD features therapeutic effects but doesn’t have the unwanted psychoactive effect. As a matter of fact, CBD is known to counteract the psychoactive influence of the THC and has also shown the anti-psychotic effects in patients suffering from schizophrenia.

There are various strains of the cannabis plant that have been developed in Canada and Europe from different applications. Medical types and recreational cannabis famously known as marijuana, has very low amounts of CBD and high THC content: between 6 and 20 percent THC. Other strains have less than 0.3 percent THC and more CBD, and they are referred to as hemp. Hemp has so many uses. Its fibers are used for medical purposes and in manufacturing.

 The amount of THC in marijuana is high to cause an addiction. For that reason, the possession, sale of marijuana is outlawed. In addition, hemp contains less concentration of THC and this doesn’t have psychoactive effect. Therefore, a person has a less chance of becoming addicted when using Hemp cannabidiol.

Both hemp and marijuana can be used in the manufacture of CBD oil, but the amount of THC in the two varieties is different. CBD oil extracted from marijuana normally has over 0.3 percent THC and for that reason they may cause some form of addiction.

However, CBD oil extracted from hemp feature less than 0.3 percent and it is therefore legal in the United States, but if imported. Finally, help growers abroad can derive CBD oil and export it to America.


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