Some facts about Cannabidiol you should know

You may have heard or read about this great new compound that is doing the round as a miracle extract from cannabis called Cannabidiol. An amazing new chemical that can help people with chronic diseases, mental problems and overall wellbeing. However before you go out and get someone for yourself, there are a few facts you should know about Cannabidiol and we will take you through them now.

1.                  Cannabidiol is the main chemical in cannabis: While most people are familiar with THC, another chemical found in cannabis, not many people know about Cannabidiol. In fact the percentage of it against THC is greater, but this varies among the differ species of marijuana plants. Breeders can in fact grow specific varieties of the plan that have 0% THC in them.
2.                  Cannabidiol has no psychoactive properties: Unlike THC, Cannabidiol does not cause the consumer to get high. This is down to the fact that unlike THC, which reacts with certain pathways that produce a psychoactive reaction, Cannabidiol reacts with different pathways. This not only makes it a great chemical to use to treat illnesses, but also means there are next to no side effects.
3.                  Cannabidiol can be used in a wide array of medication: while it has been proven that THC has many medicinal uses, the main problem has always been the side effect it produces. Well, Cannabidiol is your answer to that, as it has the same medicinal properties with none of the side effects associated with THC. Trials for the use of CBD on humans have been carried out and it has been proven to help in everything from anti-inflammatory and pain, to even managing chronic illnesses like cancer and Alzheimer’s.
4.                  CBD can help with THC: while both are from the same type of plan, it has been proven that the both are quite different. In fact Cannabidiol has been proven to reduce the side effects of THC. This is especially to do with the sleep-inducing effects of THC; this is seen especially with strains of Marijuana that have high levels of CBD.
5.                  CBD is illegal: While all the facts above prove how amazing Cannabidiol is, the fact remains that it is still very much illegal.  This is down to the fact that since it comes from Marijuana, it is classified as a schedule 1 drug and therefore illegal. This may change soon, since companies around the world are testing different uses of CBD on humans.

So there you go, some great facts about a chemical that can do wonders for millions of patients and even you.


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